
Robert Reinick

Danzig 1805 - Dresden 1852

Robert R. Reinick was born on February 22, 1805, in Danzig, the son of a businessman. He received his elementary education in his hometown of Danzig. In 1825, he attended the academy of art in Berlin. Reinick was a student of the painter Begas in 1827. Franz Kugler, Adelbert von Chamisso, and Joseph von Eichendorff were among his friends in Berlin. This circle supported him in his efforts to become a writer.
He continued his studies in Düsseldorf in 1831. From that time on, he was known as a writer. Along with an old friend, Robert Reinick published the "Liederbuch für deutsche Künstler" ("Song Book for German Artists") (Berlin 1833), among other works. "Lieder eines Malers mit Randzeichnung seiner Freunde" ("Songs by a Painter with Drawings in the Margins by his Friends") appeared in 1838. Robert Reinick then traveled to Italy, and after short stays in Gräfenberg and his hometown of Danzig, he settled permanently in Dresden. The first edition of his "Lieder" ("Songs") appeared in 1844.
Despite his preference for writing and increasing eye problems, Reinick did not completely give up painting; he finished "Erzählender Pilger" ("Story-telling Pilgrim") in 1846. During the last years of his life, he focused on children's books. A collection of his poetry and writings entitled "Märchen-, Lieder- und Geschichtenbuch" ("Book of Fairy Tales, Songs, and Stories") appeared posthumously.
Robert Reinick died on February 7, 1852, in Dresden.

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